
Oh, no. Not another blog

I was hoping I wouldn't have to follow the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler blog. The sewage that that idiot pumps out is absolutely disgusting. Honestly, would you want to read this sort of thing all day?
Now that the jug-eared, lawn-jockey and house negro for the dhimmicrat party has his scrawny ass parked in the Oval Office...
But Sadly, No! links to an article, and I feel like I should follow up on it:
Until Barack Hussein Obama has proven his eligibility for the office, he is not my president.
Funny, see, that's not true. The interesting thing about the government is that once you elect it, it's the government, regardless of what issues you think there may be with it. Furthermore, if you do think he's ineligible, you can take it up with the courts, which have routinely laughed this crap out of their courts. But until you actually succeed in the conviction of impeachment hearings, Barack Boogedy-boogedy Obama is still your president.
Until Barack Hussein Obama’s paid henchmen in ACORN have been investigated thoroughly and, if found guilty, punished to the full extent of the law, he is not my president.
Okay. You're going to have to explain this one. Richard Nixon sabotages Muskie's campaign. But I don't think you're stupid enough to claim that Spiro Agnew was the president. See, no matter what electoral shenanigans went on during the campaign, it doesn't change the outcome. You can't unring the bell and the people won't forget the information that they learned during the campaign. And they won't change their votes.
He can play president all he wants, ignorant fools often get a huge kick out of indulging in their delusions, and his mindless followers can bleat and bray about their Anointed One at the top of their lungs, but he still isn’t my president.
Uh huh. Can you show me an Obama supporter who talks about the Anointed One?

His every word, his every deed, every “law” that his Congress passes shall be weighed, by me, against the words put down by our Founders centuries ago and, if found wanting in any way, I shall ignore them as I would ignore a fly hitting the windshield of my car.

And if he and his tyrannical henchmen try to force me to obey his illegal orders, laws and regulations, I shall meet them with force as well. If I die, I shall die a free man. If I live, I shall have done my country a great favor.

Oh, goody. Here's treason. So until he can personally prove to you that he meets whatever standard you so choose, you won't acknowledge him as president? And if you wind up breaking the law, you'll fight the law by force?

I remember people like Gandhi and Thoreau and Jesus, who opposed the state because it was unjust (though in the case of Jesus, He was more or less indifferent to the civil authorities). And now, it's come to this?

If you had said that you opposed all civil authority, you might have a point, but you suggest that some people would be acceptable presidents, but this guy, for some unintelligible reason, isn't. I get so tired of these piddly little schoolhouse games.

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