
Can it be? Donofrio makes sense?

Leo Donofrio is making some sense. I still think he's an idiot and probably hallucinating, but he seems to know that sticking your hand in a rat trap is a Bad Thing. Doc Orly doesn't seem to get that and will probably send Donofrio to the outer darkness, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I originally thought that this was going away after the inauguration, but I forgot the When Prophecy Fails scenario. Judging from that and other similar cults, once Easterling gets court-martialed, Donofrio will be attacked as an agent of the enemy.
Military POTUS Eligibility Madness

A few weeks ago, I suggested hypothetically that active military might have standing to bring a class action to question Obama’s POTUS eligibility. After reviewing various sections of the Uniform Code of Military Justice pointed out to me by various readers, I came to the conclusion that such a law suit would probably not only fail, but would also subject soldiers to potential court martial.

I decided to have nothing to do with any such law suit involving military plaintiffs. Their burden is already so large. This is our burden.

Then, after seeing a consent form issued by Orly Taitz within which active military were being asked to state that they might disobey orders from President Obama, I realized that these men were truly being put in serious jeopardy. I responded with a blog which suggested that any soldiers who had a problem with Obama’s eligibility should consult a JAG lawyer or their personal attorney rather than going to the internet for advice.

I hoped the issue would go away, but it didn’t. This week an active military officer signed a consent form to be a plaintiff in a future law suit brought by Orly Taitz. Besides erroneously reporting that the officer had defied a Presidential order, the officer’s name was released and inflammatory and contemptuous statements were also released via World Net Daily, Orly’’s blog and the Drudge Report.

I complained vehemently and eventually the incorrect headline which grossly and erroeneously stated that the officer had defied a Presidential order was changed at all three sources.

Unfortunately, the damage had already been done. Review the following statement by the officer:

“Until Mr. Obama releases a ‘vault copy’ of his original birth certificate for public review, I will consider him neither my Commander in Chief nor my President, but rather, a usurper to the Office – an impostor…”

This statement should never have been made public. If Orly Taitz is going to solicit active military to join her potential law suit and sign consent forms thereto, then she should be charged with the responsibility of knowing the exact punishment her clients will be subjected to, and she should be protecting them from any unnecessary jeopardy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very shorts, simple and easy to understand, bet some more comments from your side would be great