New Hampshire talks Civil War against feds!Unclosed parenthesis in original.
The New Hampshire state legislature took an unbelievably bold step today by introducing a resolution to declare certain actions by the federal government to completely totally void and warning that certain future acts will be viewed as a "breach of peace" with the states themselves that risks "nullifying the Constitution."
This act by New Hampshire is a clear warning to the federal government that they could face being stripped of their power by the States (presumably through civil war!
This is it folks! Doc Orly is gearing up for war. Funny, though. The bill doesn't seem to say anything about war. In the interest of fairness, I checked, and this doesn't seem to be the sort of perennial legislation like bills designed to reinstate the draft or repeal presidential term limits, so it's not necessarily drafted by a crank who does nothing but this one issue over and over.
I have reported on thisblog for quite some time that we here in the United States are heading toward Civil War. Many of you told me I was a nut for thinking that.Full disclosure: I, too, think that the US is headed for a breakup. Few countries last this long without a breakup. The only counterexamples I can think of are the Ottoman Empire and a few of the Chinese dynasties. Rome, Greece, Britain, Austria-Hungary all lasted a few centuries and then broke up, and we're reaching that age and starting to show signs of strain.
The simple fact is that we are long overdue for another Rebellion in this nation and I heartily endorse the idea of having one again very soon; preferably starting THIS year!
But that's very different from Civil War. I think if we continue our backbiting ways of politics, we may well see a civil war in a few decades. But we may also see something analagous to the Velvet Divorce--an agreement to split up the country into smaller countries or administrative regions larger than states but with more cultural cohesion.
There's certainly no need for war.
Also, we are not overdue for a rebellion. Orly endorses the concept of millions of people fighting and dying? Would she like to have her friends or loved ones on the front lines? Sadly, given her pathological perspective, I suspect the answer would be yes.
And this year? I'm sorry, but I've got other things planned for this year. Try back in a decade or two. No, frankly we're going to need more elections to heighten the tension in the country to a warlike level.
And one more thing: if you're going to start a war this year, how are you going to train your troops for the battle in time? Unless, of course, you're telling trops that they should disobey orders, which you said you weren't doing.
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