
The Easterling thing is exploding nicely

Military.com - Officer Calls Obama 'Usurper' President

"We are taking a look at that ourselves right now," Lt. Col. Christopher Garver said. "We are always trying to balance our ... military requirements under the Uniform Code of Military Justice versus critical freedoms that all Americans enjoy."
Welp, looks like Lt. Easterling will probably enjoy a nice dishonorable discharge.

While I'm here, I'd like to note Doc Orly's response:
Open Letter Response to the Lt. Easerling (sic) story covered by Bryant Jordan of Military.com
Can't even get her own client's name right. I'm sure there's a metaphor or something in there.
1. In a letter you questioned the very existence of officer Easterling and Mr. Tulley stated that information was given by a third party with an ax to grind. As a reporter you could check Officer Easterling's existence, instead of questioning that. Mr. Tulley claimed that I am a party with an ax to grind. Based on what? His imagination. That is a defamatory statement and I expect retraction and apology.
If there were one way to describe Orly, axe to grind would not be it. Obviously biased would be the phrase I prefer.

Also, for those of you looking for point #2, there is no point #2. Point #3 is, presumably, No Pooftahs.
As far as the last comment goes, about Chief of staff saluting Obama, I don't know if I should respond seriously or laugh. In Germany chief of staff saluted Hitler, didn't make him legitimate. In our recent history chief of staff saluted Nixon, as he was getting into helicopter and leaving office disgraced during Watergate.
Doc Orly apparently missed a few days in history class. See, while Nixon did use dirty tricks to get validly elected, Hitler was actually validly elected without any dirty tricks (well, unless you want to count Dolchstoßlegende, in which case, it was the fault of the voters for not thinking critically). In both cases, the election was valid and they were president and chancellor, respectively. Which was the point that the original author made.

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