Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama vs World LeadersOh, good. Nothing says competence like accepting crazy theories about someone's name.
By Mark S. McGrew
I know that World leaders are fully accustomed to conducting business with all manner of criminals, terrorists, dictators and other illegitimate “leaders” of Nations.Uh huh. Like when world leaders have to sit down with people like Hitler and Stalin? Or do you mean more like some guy whom a bunch of whackadoodles on the internet say isn't qualified to be president? Because I don't think I have a problem with the latter.
But Obama may be different, as no one knows his real name, his place of birth, who his true parents are or even his actual birth date.First off, we do know all of that. Second...I'm not really sure how to finish that. It's difficult to top something as nutty as what he just said.
Because Obama is not eligible to be the President of the United States, any agreements he makes are subject to change or removal by the current American government of by future administrations, far into the future. Any and all agreements he makes gives foreign powers permission to deny them, rescind them or renege on them, far into the future.Now we get into the real nutty stuff. I'm sorry your guy lost, but please stop wishing that his laws will be rendered null. It's just going to angry up your blood when you realize that it won't happen, and I don't want to be near you when you get angry.
Any orders he gives to the American military are subject to being refused. Orders that Obama gives to America Joint Chiefs of Staff of the military can be refused.And there's the money shot. Treason!
By the inaction of the President of the Senate to call for objections, the certification of the Electoral votes was illegally obtained. This is another reason that makes Obama ineligible to be President, as well as neutering the US Congress.Now, before you go off thinking that this guy means that Congress invalidated itself by doing this (a silly concept), let me tell you that we'll address that...right now:
No State or county or city in America has to obey his orders or his laws or any laws passed by an illegally operating Congress. In fact, it can be argued, and probably will, that any person arrested for any crime in America can use, as his defense, that no laws in America are valid because of America illegally operating Congress and an ineligible President.Yes! Yes! Treason! Not only does Mark tell soldiers (in fact, JCS members) to disobey any orders coming from the president, and not only does he tell civilians to disobey orders from the president, but somehow, he comes to the conclusion that the Congress is invalid, despite having nothing to do with whatever non-issues the president is facing. And then, he tells people to disobey all laws, presumably including state laws, which have nothing to do with any issue at the federal level, but do include the bulk of the laws that you would disobey.
You know what? Please start breaking these laws. I'm not talking about murder or arson, but something simple like smoking in a non-smoking area. Then go to court and use this as your defense. I'd feel safer with you bozos behind bars.
An awesome public service you're providing here. I hope the workload doesn't become ovewhelming.
I note that even mainstream right-wingers are happy to spread the "not really the president" meme at the least excuse (e.g. the inauguration oath).
It shouldn't.
I'm keeping this very closely tailored to people who advocate disregarding civil authority. If you want to examine the more general concept of people who don't think Obama is president, I'd recommend checking out Obama Conspiracy, a site that examines and debunks most of the crap out there.
Those people are just crazy. These people are crazy and potentially dangerous.
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