
Treason goes international!

Well, I honestly thought the well had run dry. I was filled with hope that this stupidity had passed and I was going to look foolish with a defunct blog that has only four posts.

Why couldn't I have been wrong?
Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama vs World Leaders
By Mark S. McGrew
Well, we know this will end well. The more astute readers out there will note that this comes from Pravda, the former Soviet propaganda machine. In the years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Pravda has become a sort of Weekly World News that remains vaguely anti-American. Given the fact that Doc Orly claims to have hated the Soviet Union, you wouldn't think she'd be linking to it, but she does. She also links to a site called Count Us Out, which I will have to monitor for further treason.

But as to the quality of the report, I'd like to mention that the article on Obama also links to an article on underwear fashion that I recognize from the last time I visited Pravda a few months ago. They also have a great article about how birds can see through time.
What do we know about birds? It may seem at first sight that there is nothing amazing about them. However, the feathered tribe makes the group of one of the most ancient creatures on earth, which makes them the subject of numerous legends, myths and mysteries.
Seriously. It sounds like it could have come out of Birds of Britain.

Sorry, I'll try this post again.

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